Round 9, Family 13- Nakamura 2

Neil mastered the motor skill.

Beatrice took Cookie to the vets and got her some treatment as she had been moping around, whining and had a glowing nose.

Neil enjoys dancing

Neil also got promoted in scouts and he got all the badges.

Beatrice did some repairs

We finally saved enough money and were able to put a down paymente on a house.This is our new home.

I had my birthday and am now an adult

I played some chess

I bonded with Cookie

I went out dancing

Cookie is getting on in years now

Beatrice did some repairs

Nathan became a teenager who is now a light sleeper. He wants to be a detective

Barbara sometimes helps with repairs

Neil was soon also a teenager who loves to game and wants to be fit and active.

Yoga is a great way to relax

Dancing is lots of fun