Round 8, Family 3- Crazen

Welcome back, Last time, The twins became children, Loren got promoted and made a mobile app. Cody became a child and I joined the workforce as an actress.

Loren made another app, hopefully soon we will have enough money to move to a bigger home, this house can be cramped with six children and soon I will have teenagers

Soon it was Christmas eve and we had fun decorating the house as a family.

I had to do some repairs as one of the children overloaded the dishwasher

The children are able to mostly amuse themselves as I practice my lines either by playing with toys or making music

The girls enjoyed staying up late to get their presents from Father Winter

The fridge was the next thing to go

Soon the triplets were teenagers and all unique in their own way. My eldest Anabelle still loves to play with toys and wants to be a famous painter. The middle triplet Arabella loves to make everyone laugh and wants to explore the great outdoors and my youngest triplet Belinda loves dogs and wants to be a famous prankster.

The children all loved their presents and the lovely ham dinner I prepared. I also made a snow pal with Cody. Christmas was a great success.

Anabelle and Belinda both got part time jobs so they could have some extra cash.

I went out dancing

I soon had my birthday

We finally saved up enough money so we could move. We moved to del so valley so we could be closer to the studio for my gigs and our new house had plenty of space to move around and even space to expand. I even got new kitchen appliances and better beds for the children.

Arabella loves to keep fit through dancing

she even started cooking in our new kitchen.

I enjoy dancing too, it’s a great stress reliever

I mastered the cooking skill and can cook great meals now. Cora and Cody mastered motor.

Loren became an elder

Cody went to the local park and met a new friend

Soon the twins were teenagers too.

Author: skyegal30

Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog, My name is Samantha. I work with children, and in my spare time, I enjoy playing Sims and reading. I love playing with sims and doing challenges. I have quite a lot.

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