Round 7, Family 1- Frost

Welcome Back, Last time, Jenni achieved her aspiration, Todd Became a toddler,  Rina started a fire on her science table and also became a Teenager.

I decided to further develop my youngest by doing flashcards with him whilst the older children were busy with their school projects and hobbies.

I would really like to know who keeps smashing up the dolls house, it upsets the other children after all. At least I gained handiness from fixing it.

Audrey loves playing video games and is great at it too, she managed to master the skill, hopefully it will help her get promoted.

I am doing well at work. I delieved my frist baby and can now perform operations on patients, not bad for someone with no degree. ssh don’t tell my patients that.

Rina loves to swim and is always in our pool.

Todd is a very sociable toddler and always calls his brothers and sisters over to play with him.

James is a great help around the house and even cleans up without being asked.

Soon it was Movie Premier Day. The whole family actually sat down together to watch the movie even little Todd.

I have been cooking so much for the family that I managed to master the skill

Soon my Youngest too was a child. He is quite Confident and likes to explore and have fun.

With all the kids at school now and my wife at work for long hours, I got bored again and started going on some dates. I did achieve my aspiration though and I am now a player.

Audrey is doing really well at work and soon received a promotion. She even got a free computer so our old one can finally be upgraded.

Soon it was time for another birthday. We threw a party at the bowling alley and Jenni became a Teenager.

Rina has started dating too, a Boy by the name of Bernard Barbosa.

She also loves to work out in the new home exercise suite.

Jenni did some grilling and gained some cooking knowledge.

Todd loves swinging across the monkey bars. Sometimes he even jumps off.

The Tv decided to break down so I had to fix it.

Soon it was time for birthdays and lots of them so we booked out the stargazer lounge so we could fit all the family in. I am now an elder, the twins are teenagers and my oldest is a Young Adult. Where did the years go.

I decided to retire so I could spend more time with the kids, they are getting so old now and with my grandkids when they arrive. I hope Todd fills this house right up again.

Rose got a job as a Writer.

Rina worked out

Author: skyegal30

Hello everybody, and welcome to my blog, My name is Samantha. I work with children, and in my spare time, I enjoy playing Sims and reading. I love playing with sims and doing challenges. I have quite a lot.

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